Sunday, March 20, 2011

Miami Dade County Health Department

The Miami Dade County Health Department is a local government agency located in Miami, Florida. Working at the Miami Dade County Health Department would be a great place to gain experience and grow in public health. The MDCHD strives to promote and protect the health of one of the biggest counties in Florida through prevention, preparedness and education. The MDCHD offers many health services to increase overall health, including the Miami-Dade Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Control and Prevention Program. This program works to reduce the incidence of STDs by providing screening, testing, diagnosising and treatments for infected individuals. This program is made up of several branches including surveillance, field services ex. partner counseling and referral services, clinical services, and education and community relations; all working alongside one another to combat STDs. This program/clinic is located on Collins Avenue right on South Beach, this location seems like it would be a hotspot for STDs due to the coming and going of tourists and well known night life. After I graduate I would like to work in the educational side of public health and find the subject that I can make the most difference in. Working in this Miami Dade program as an employee or volunteer would allow for firsthand experience into an ever changing, critical aspect of PH.

1 comment:

  1. Control and prevention programs for sexually transmitted diseases are indeed an “ever changing, critical aspect of PH” as you stated. This job sounds like an interesting one, especially for people interested in staying in Florida. I know you had listed several branches within the program, and they all seem very interesting. When researching potential employers I had also considered an education route and researched many different facilities from schools to specific programs. The Miami Dade County Health Department, much like the USDA which I researched are both governmental organizations. I think it is interesting how many jobs were researched by the class, that were jobs within a given governmental organization.
